Blue Sky , 2023
6 x 6 in (h x w)


Life is a work in progress, and my art is my path to clarity.

In a world of constant striving for external achievements,
it’s easy to lose touch with our inner voice. My creative process provides a steady compass, reminding me to stop and appreciate how wondrous the ordinary can be. My art serves as a testament to the moments of everyday life that often go unnoticed. It is a means for me to honor and document the beauty that can be found in the simplest of experiences. Whether I am capturing the breathtaking beauty of nature or expressing the complex emotions evoked by a mundane interaction, my goal is to create art that reflects the truthfulness of these moments.


Shu Tu earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Parsons School of Design and studied fashion accessories at the Cordwainers, London College of Fashion. For over 25 years, she held positions as a creative director and leader in the advertising and beauty industries. In recent years, she has expanded her work as an artist. This journey has enabled her to produce deeply personal work that communicates her story through multiple mediums, including traditional and digital art, ceramics, and metalsmithing.

Shu is currently residing in Upper Manhattan. You might often spot her in the company of her children, Ander and Percy, engaging in the silliest conversations and sharing the wildest laughter.

NY / United States