Americana Indian -- thinking twice about images that matter , 2012
9:50 mins

Can inaccurate images of American Indian women provoke discrimination? Mithlo examines stereotypical representations of American Indian women in art and film, and discusses how female American Indian artists find power in the subversive re-appropriation of such stereotypes.


Nancy Marie Mithlo is an Indigenous (Chiricahua Apache) scholar of race and representation and her work engages comparative global Indigeneity movements in the arts. Her training as a cultural anthropologist (Stanford University PhD, 1993) informs how she examines cultural, institutional and political systems that often mask the normalization of bias in contested realms of power. The various uses of visual culture in what is commonly seen as harmless or inert representations in art, archives, and media form the basis of her critical analysis.

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ReflectSpace Gallery

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