Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome , Sara Breslin


Olivia is a very happy child even though she goes through so much adversity. She has a high tolerance for pain and hardly ever cries. She is strong and beautiful. She loves music, dancing,
and singing. Olivia is friendly. She will go over to a new person, climb up on them, and sit on their lap. She does not see differences in us. She loves to sit with her father and have long discussions about their day (even though she does not yet talk). Olivia is persistent. She does not give up, and she continues to try new things and push the envelope until she gets it.
~Stephanie, Olivia’s Mom

Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome

Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS) is a genetic disorder that affects many parts of the body. The
major features include a characteristic facial appearance, delayed growth and development,
intellectual disability, low muscle tone, and seizures. Other features may include skeletal
abnormalities, congenital heart defects, hearing loss, urinary tract malformations, and/or
structural brain abnormalities. WHS is caused by a missing piece of genetic material near the end
of the short arm of chromosome 4. The size of the deletion varies among people with WHS, and studies suggest larger deletions tend to result in more severe features.

Artist: Sara Breslin

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