Untitled , 2020

In total I decided to do 10 cupcakes & each cupcake represents something that I've learned from this program or something that really caught my attention. For the toop row I have written MiHC which stands for Michigan Hispanic Collaborative. That's the nome of the program & this program taught me a lot. How to work better in teams, presentations, having to be precise with timing & turning in work on time. On the second row I drew a graduation cap which represents achievement for me. So either from High School or College graduate. i really want to achieve both and not only make my family proud but also myself proud, that anything is possible if you believe in yourself. The other cupcake represetns books which to me represents knowledge & how can one book have so much knowledge. Us students are like books we all have a story and most of us are still writing it when it comes to our education. The 3rd cupcake is a rising arrow like the ones on graphs and it shows growth through this program and how i feel like everyone grew on either their skills or knowledge throughout this program. Lastly I have the cupcake with the number 8 on it and the number 8 is the number of my team. I really enjoyed meeting new people and seeing that all of us want to achieve something in life& attend college & especially help out our community. I have made new friends throughout this program & all I have for my teammates is love and support.

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