The Mystery of Being

One can’t help wondering what to make of this splendid universe.

Flowers burst outward in brilliantly arranged masterpieces of creation, stunning spiral mosaics form about rocks in a stream, frozen crystals spontaneously form on window panes in the winter, delicately interconnected ecosystems work in harmony for the good of all things, planets spin in synchronous relation overhead, and a single smile can
warm the soul of the entire universe.

One thing is clear—order and harmony are the norm and not the exception in our universe. In the battle of chaos versus order, order emerges as the clear victor not only producing copious regularity but also the fantastic qualities of beauty, balance, and harmony.

But why is this? Centerpath hopes to provide the answer.

More from Jin Nua

Order and Harmony Arise Thru a Consistent Creative Process…Centerpath
Jin Nua
The Mystery of Being
Jin Nua
Order and Harmony Arise Thru a Consistent Creative Process…Centerpath
Jin Nua
About Jin Nua
Jin Nua
The Mystery of Being
Jin Nua