Waiting for the last breath/The brutal loss of the beautiful , 2020
49 x 79 in (h x w)

“Waiting For The Last Breath | The Brutal Loss of The Beautiful “Acrylic, graphite, gold leaf on canvas 48” x 72”. This is the third painting in a series I have been working on, The Brutal Loss of The Beautiful, which covers the climate crisis we find ourselves in. I began this series in summer 2019, after the devastating fires in the Amazon. This specific painting, Waiting For The Last Breath, came about from a dream I had several months ago: I am standing alone in a kitchen in a glass house which feels like it should be my home though it is not my current home. It feels sterile, and I am alone; just me and the silence. When I look outside the air is a thick yellow hue. It is hard to see much in the horizon. I am calm in this dream. I am waiting. The air outside is too poisonous to breathe. I do not have much left to eat. I am waiting for my last breath. I am at peace, a solemn peace - disappointed in what we, society, have done to ourselves and this world of ours. There is nothing left. Every breath is sacred. This painting was completed in early January 2020. Little did I know then what would soon become our present state of this coronavirus pandemic we find ourselves in; isolated in our homes, waiting. Our destruction of the natural world is rapidly effecting the destruction of us, with even more deadly outbreaks in our future if we are not extremely careful about the choices we make today when it comes to the health of the environment, wildlife, livestock and people. We are all connected in this one global breath. We cannot afford to wait. We must act.

Exhibited by:

MOZAIK Philanthropy

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