Creative Expression Project , 2020

For my creative expression project I decided to bake a cake. I decided to bake a cake because I like to bake and I felt like no one would do a culinary project. The cake is a strawberry cake because it's my favorite type of cake. I covered the cake white frosting, and on the top of the cake I put MiCH which is the name of the program, and I put that on top is because that is the name of the program and because it has been a good program and the only program I joined and I'm glad the first one was MICH. Next, I put F.L.O.A.D on one side and that is all of our teammates' first letter of their name and honestly I couldn't have had a better team and we all became like family, since the first day we acted like we knew each other and we just became close. Then, I put Zoom on another side and I put that because without Zoom, we wouldn't have had the program and connected with one another and that app played a big part of the program. Lastly, I put EduBot3 on the side of the cake because that is our teams big idea project called and we are so proud of it and with what we came up with and the research we did and of course thankful for everyone who helped us come up with our big idea and it is an app and also thankful for all the feedback we got on our app.

2 strawberry cake mix
6 eggs
2 cups of water
1 cup of oil

Mix all of the ingredients together
Get a cake pan
Spray oil into the pan to prevent the cake to stick on the pan
Put in oven for 350°
Leave there for about an hour
Get a fork and poke the cake and if the fork comes out clean then its ready and if not leave cake there for little longer
After you take it out wait for it to cool down
Put cake on a plat or wherever you want to put it
Lastly decorate the cake however you want and enjoy it.

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