Fight in bar 2005 6/10
2100 GBP
black and white drawn animation 1' 05

Artists, Suky Best and Rory Hamilton collaborated on works exploring cowboy myths within western films. They investigated themes of heroism, romance, loneliness, drama and excitement. The work that has come out of this collaboration has a strong aesthetic flavour; it is hand worked, yet graphically clean. It uses strong stereotypes; while exposing their banality and frailty. Flat clear silhouettes replace the dusty blur of the wild west.

In these works only the hero or his companion (be they horse, tracker or love interest) are transcribed onto the finished image. All extraneous detail is removed. When a cowboy ties up a horse and walks into a building, the horse and rider are boldly drawn; any building only exists in negative when the rider walks behind a column. He defines the world around him.

Exhibited by:

Danielle Arnaud

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