45 x 55 in (h x w)
Video Courtesy of the artist Photography: Peter Sterling

Suzanne Bocenegra’s (Houston, Texas, 1957) I Write the Songs is realized through a series of props including tables, ropes, and a kiosk connected to a stage with a clothesline and pulley system. The artist says, “On each table, I placed recycled music scores collected from music conservatory libraries alongside writing tools. Once a participant has completed a work, it is taken to a crow’s nest atop the central kiosk, hung on the clotheslines, and transferred to the stage where the works are distributed among four musicians. Playing in concordance with the other quartet members, each musician interprets the drawing placed before her as she wishes. . . the music ebbs and flows naturally from intimate solos to dense group jams. Each musician proceeds at his own pace, after which the music is placed back on the clothes-line and makes its way back to the kiosk. In the bottom of the kiosk is a music bindery, where the individual drawings are bound together, documenting the event and making it possible for future musicians to repeat it. A live feed camera over each musician’s shoulder projects to the monitors the image of the drawings the musicians are interpreting into music, as they are interpreting them. In this way, the audience is able to see at any given time the drawing that is being performed by the musicians, allowing each artist/composer to follow the complete progression of his or her drawing.”

More from Lehman College Art Gallery

45 x 55 in (h x w)
Video Courtesy of the artist Photography: Peter Sterling
Lehman College Art Gallery
When Can We Start Playing , 2012
24 x 36 in (h x w)
Please note: Image dimensions have been modified for online presentation. Actual dimensions are 15 x 15 inches. Cut Paper Private Collection, Courtesy of Forum Gallery, New York, NY. © Cybèle Young;
Lehman College Art Gallery
A Change Is Gonna Come (Oh Yes It Will), , 2018
71 x 68 in (h x w)
Tambourines, metallic leather, suede, reflective plexiglas, grosgrain ribbon, lampwork glass Courtesy of Rena Bransten Gallery, San Francisco, © Lava Thomas
Lehman College Art Gallery
Tambourine , 2016
32 x 24 in (h x w)
Denisyuk Hologram on Glass Courtesy of Johannes Vogt Gallery
Lehman College Art Gallery
Bakelite Robot , 2002
48 x 50 in (h x w)
Single Channel Video (color-silent) with LCD monitors and vintage Bakelite radios Courtesy of Gagosian © Nam June Paik Estate
Lehman College Art Gallery