Letter of Carl Stumpf on the 1st volume of his Tonpsychologie 1882
150 x 100 x 2.5 cm (h x w x d)

"In the book [...] I come into sharpest contrast with Helmholtz by showing (not for the first time but, as I hope, to the definite conviction of the unprejudiced) that harmonics and beats play a completely subordinate role in the harmony feeling. [...] To convince Helmholtz himself - the hope would be nevertheless too bold."

Carl Stumpf about the 1st volume of his Tonpsychology, which was mostly written in Würzburg.

Letter of November 5, 1882 to Wilhelm Scherer

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Würzburg 1896
200 x 250 x 2.5 cm (h x w x d)
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