Racism , 2021
35 x 110 cm (h x w)
3500 USD
Shelf and book folding of the word RACISM made with the Encyclopedia human races of the Gallach Institute.
for sale

Acaymo S. Cuesta (Gran Canaria - Canary Islands, 1983).

Multidisciplinary artist Bachelor of Arts (BA) of La Laguna University and a Master’s degree in Artistic Production from the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
He has exhibited his individual and collective work in spaces such as C.A.A.M. Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno (Gran Canaria - Canary Islands - Spain), SACO9 Contemporary Art Festival (Antofagasta - Chile), Nomad Biennial at the Anthropological Museum and Contemporary Art - M.A.A.C.(Guayaquil, Ecuador), Clamplight Gallery, (San Antonio - Texas - EE.UU), Fundación Francis Naranjo (Gran Canaria - Canary Islands/Spain), Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània, (Valencia - Spain), Fernando Pradilla Gallery (Madrid - Spain), IX SIART International Art Biennial (La Paz - Bo-livia), La Regenta Art Centre (Gran Canaria - Canary Islands/Spain), S.A.C. Sala de Arte Contemporáneo (Tenerife - Canary Islands - Spain), Blanca Soto Gallery (Madrid - España), No Lugar Gallery (Quito - Ecuador), Pérez de la Riva Cultural Centre (Madrid - Spain), One Project in Art Madrid’17 with La Isla Gallery (Madrid - Spain), TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes (Tenerife -Spain), Hardy Tree Gallery (London - U.K.), Espacio AB9 (Murcia - Spain) and Laboratorio21 (Viareggio - Italy) among others

He has been awarded production grants and artistic residencies such as: Artistic Residency at I.S.L.A. Instituto Superior Latinoamericano de Arte (Antofagasta, Chile), financed by the Programme for the Internationalisa-tion of Spanish Culture (PICE) of Acción Cultural Española, grant in the Cé-sar Manrique Research and Artistic Creation Projects coordinated by the Government of the Canary Islands (Gran Canaria - Canary Islands/Spain), grant in Artists in Residence CAAM (Gran Canaria - Canary Islands/Spain), artist-in-residence grant at Residency.ch, PROGR Art Production Centre (Bern/Switzerland), VII Encontro de Artistas Novos (Santiago de Composte-la - Spain), Invited to an artistic residency at the Fate Festival (Naples - Italy), Artistic residency at No Lugar (Quito - Ecuador) and for two and a half years he received a grant from the Government of the Canary Islands as an artist in residence in studio 7 of the Espacio de Producción de Artes Visuales of La Regenta Art Centre (Gran Canaria - Canary Island - Spain).
His work can be found in the following collections, Antonio P. Martín Art Collection (Gran Canaria - Canary Island - Spain), Ofelia Martín and Javier Núñez Collectión (Lanzarote - Canary Island - Spain), Museum and Contem-porary Art - M.A.A.C. (Guayaquil, Ecuador), Nomadic Cinema for the Arts Foundation (La Paz - Bolivia), Municipality of San Potito Sannitico (Naples - Italy), Canary Islands Foundation Luján Pérez (Sta Mª de Guia/ Spain), Peace one day Organization, (London, U.K.), Artistic Foundation of the U.L.P.G.C. C. (Gran Canaria - Canary Island - Spain) and private collections in Chile, Barcelona, Madrid, Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and Milan.
We are conditioned by our environment, either at the family and social level, and especially at the political level. History and experiences form/constitute a very important active part in the construction of the individual, since everything that surrounds us lends itself to become impulses that build or destroy it.
In this sense, I understand the configuration of the subject and the history as a container of irrational impulses provoked by external agents. I am inte-rested in the use of the word as a shaper of the individual, and how it can be used as a tool to control, indoctrinate, tame or distract him.
Under these premises, my work deals with the tensions between the in-dividual, society and the word; materialised through the development of pieces that combine multidisciplinary techniques and that ultimately seek to awaken a critical or reflective attitude in the spectator.

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Artfocus Latinoamérica

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