Abu Dhabi Mastaba Project for the United Arab Emirates , 1978
144.6 x 244 cm (h x w)
Pencil, charcoal, pastel, wax crayon and map

Exhibited by:

Colnaghi Gallery

Other works by Christo

Wrapped Horse, Project for the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Wrapped Neo-Dada , 1963-1989
30 x 22.8 in (h x w)
Collaged serigraph with photograph, and tape
The Berman Museum of Art
Package on Handtruck, Project , 1981
28 x 22.3 in (h x w)
Hand-colored lithograph with brown canvas, twine, and staples
The Berman Museum of Art
Package on Radio Flyer Wagon, Project , 1993
19.3 x 22 in (h x w)
Lithography and silkscreen, with hand collages, broadcloth, cotton twine, tape, drawing, ebony pencil, and jet black ink
The Berman Museum of Art
Wrapped Automobile, Project for Volvo 122 S Sport Sedan , 1984
22.3 x 28 in (h x w)
Hand-collaged lithograph with fabric and twine
The Berman Museum of Art
The Hunt, Project for Gostar , 1988
31 x 27.8 in (h x w)
Color lithograph with silkscreen collages, and black and white photographs by Wolfgang Volz
The Berman Museum of Art