Lucy Diggs Slowe, "On the Formation of Right Habits," in The Junior High School Review's, "The Principal's Page," April 1922, Lucy Diggs Slowe Papers, Moorland-Spingarn Research Center

Slowe declares, "...if you are not commanding the respect of your associates now by the formation of the habits suggested above, the chances are that you will not stand out as one of the successful, and respected citizens of your community when you grow into manhood or womanhood" in April 22. Slowe used her actions, of course, to instill moral character and integrity in her students but also the written word.

More from Dr. Amy Yeboah Quarkume and Jade Flint

Unknown author, "Address Delivered by Soror Lucy D. Slowe at the Annual A.K.A. Boule Banquet" The Ivy Leaf, 1933, Lucy Diggs Slowe Papers, Moorland-Spingarn Research Center
Dr. Amy Yeboah Quarkume and Jade Flint
Lucy Diggs Slowe sits in grass with unidentified child , c. 1930s
Dr. Amy Yeboah Quarkume and Jade Flint
Dean Lucy Diggs Slowe stands with a group of unidentified people , 1920s-1930s
Dr. Amy Yeboah Quarkume and Jade Flint
Untitled , 2022
Dr. Amy Yeboah Quarkume and Jade Flint
Dean Lucy Diggs Slowe breaks ground at the opening of the Harriet Tubman Quadrangle , 1929
Dr. Amy Yeboah Quarkume and Jade Flint