The Morel of the Story , 2020
24 x 20 in (h x w)
acrylic and oil


Years ago, I sprinkled dried morel bits under the apple trees that grow in my back yard. This painting was inspired by the morel mushrooms that now peak their heads up above the earth. It's a piece I started on the Vision Train during the beautiful two month anniversary mushroom journey based upon a morel I found there that very day. I only had acrylic paint at the time and my little stash of canvases and practice boards were all full so I chose to paint over a practice board that I have had for over twenty years and have painted over numerous times. I chose a canvas that had two ladies dancing together. Had I known of the Mischtecknik at the time I would have probably attempted to place the mushroom between them. Instead, I painted over them. As the painting progressed, I took the Mischtecknik class and acquired a few more painting supplies. The final painting was "finished" in oil and displays my first ever attempt at an oil glaze.

Exhibited by:

ViTra Academy

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