Waardenburg Syndrome , Richard Oliver


Chogtaa is very smart. She is independent and does things without being asked. For example,
when she spills water or food, she goes and picks up a brush or mop to clean up. She loves watching cartoons. On weekends, she will pick up the TV remote, switch on the TV to the cartoon channel, and hide the remote so that you don’t get to change the station. She laughs so hard and so loudly when she is watching cartoons that it becomes infectious, and you are compelled to go and see what she is watching. She likes sports, climbing, jumping, and running–she runs more than she walks.
~Florence, Chogtaa’s Mom

Waardenburg Syndrome

Waardenburg syndrome is a group of genetic conditions that can cause hearing loss and changes in the coloring of the hair, skin, and eyes. Although most people with Waardenburg syndrome have normal hearing, moderate to profound hearing loss can occur in one or both ears. The hearing loss is present from birth. People with this condition often have very pale blue eyes or different colored eyes, such as one blue eye and one brown eye. Sometimes one eye has segments of two different colors. Distinctive hair coloring is another common sign of the condition. The features of Waardenburg syndrome vary among affected individuals, even among people in the same family.

Artist: Richard Oliver

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