The Truth is Here , 2020
11 x 14 in (h x w)
Ink pen

Throughout history, people have witnessed strange objects in the sky. Whoever these beings are and whatever purpose they may serve, the reality of their presence can no longer be ignored.

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20 x 11.2 in (h x w)
Sterling silver, branches, wood sheet, modeling brushes
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Butterfly Effect , 2021
27 x 18 in (h x w)
Fashion Design
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Phantasia , 2021
24 x 19.2 in (h x w)
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Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Doily Gown , 2021
20 x 13.3 in (h x w)
Upcycled Fabric & Doilies
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Working From Bed , 2021
20 x 13.3 in (h x w)
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Massachusetts College of Art and Design