Progressive Protection Evolves? (PPE) | La protection progressive évolue? (PPE) , 2020
48 x 27 x 1 in (h x w x d)
Mixed media

Lack of timely, accurate information from the medical field and lockdown of medical clinics, made messaging around masks complicated. This piece discusses the evolution of "information" along a continuum of people, product and time that is reflected in movement from top to bottom path of piece. Kept redefining down to the bottom conclusion....until a vaccine.

I work as a pharmacist/ owner in Northern Ontario in an independent patient centred pharmacy with a telemedicine medical clinic.

Exhibited by:

heART of healthCARE

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Solitude II , 2021
36 x 30 in (h x w)
Acrylic and oil on canvas
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Solitude I , 2021
30 x 30 in (h x w)
Acrylic and oil on canvas
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Unbroken Moments of Natural Beings | Moments ininterrompus d’êtres naturels
h = 48 in
Mixed media
heART of healthCARE
NICU | USIN , 2018
h = 48 in
Digital photograph
heART of healthCARE
We will just have to adapt | Nous devrons simplement nous adapter
h = 36 in
Mixed media
heART of healthCARE