Unfinished... life ended too young, too soon | Inachevé... une vie s'est terminée trop tôt, trop jeune
13.5 x 18 in (h x w)

Personally and professionally I have experienced unexpected losses as a result of an adverse event. One of the most striking realities of my personal loss is how abruptly their story ended. The loved one is held in a time capsule. In their absence, the world around them moves forward day by day, event to event – play, graduation, marriage, births, promotions...... Any business, project or activity they may have been working on remains unfinished.

Betty is a retired nurse who has always enjoyed arts and crafts. She describes herself as an amateur painter, using either acrylics or watercolours. For her art can be such a powerful way to express emotions, when words don’t seem to be enough.

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heART of healthCARE

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