UnZip | DéCompressez
30 x 24 in (h x w)
Mixed Media on Canvas

UnZip is from a series of six pieces using my body as a print, using cadmium red, as my jumping off point. I wanted to explore how women see their bodies, specifically with regards to when it 'fails' them. I spoke with different women asking them about their personal experiences, ranging from chronic illness, cancer, brain injury and miscarriage. I recorded their answers, used my own experiences with chronic renal failure and fertility, and based each painting on themes that stuck with me that I wanted to explore.

Lately I have been delving deeper into the traumatic bits of my life. I have explored my own body, my control and loss of control within my own chronic health, for better or for worse. I have always had conversations with other women about our bodies, about what we know, what we’re told and what we’re not told. I have always known most of my experiences aren’t unique, however I have felt that even more lately. Not in a diminutive way, in an empowering, need to share kind of way.

Growing up in Oshawa, I have been creating and practicing my entire life, graduating Durham College's Advanced Diploma Graphic Design course and Foundations in Art and Design. Now after the pandemic, having a compromised immune system, I am shifting again into visual arts. It has probably been the absolute best outcome I could have imagined. I graduated Fleming's Drawing + Painting course in December and I am continuing my practice, building a larger body of work and am continuing to explore a career in the arts.

Exhibited by:

heART of healthCARE

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