Vernon Finney Art - Where Incredible Art is Around Every Corner
97.4 x 112 x 739 cm (h x w x d)

If you'd like to contact the artist, Vernon Finney, directly, you can do so on Facebook ( Alternately, you can contact him from the website's contact form directly (
Feel free to allow us an insight of your thoughts on Vernon Finney's artwork. Good or bad, either way they are your feelings, and that's what he'd like to hear and know about you.
Also, let him know something about yourself, to allow a connection to who you are as a person, in life.
Thank you, for stopping by as well as for taking the time to share this Virtual Reality Art Gallery Exhibit with your friends, family and colleagues.

Exposé par :

Vernon Finney Art

Plus de Vernon Finney Art

The Bird Woman , 1983
25 x 18.1 x 0.2 in (h x w x d)
Oil on canvas
Vernon Finney Art
Going My Way? , 1987
36 x 36 x 3 in (h x w x d)
Oil on canvas
Vernon Finney Art
Faces Without Faces , 2005
28 x 35 x 0.1 in (h x w x d)
Oil on canvas
Vernon Finney Art
Happy Face Meadow , 1986
30 x 40 x 0.1 in (h x w x d)
Oil on canvas
Vernon Finney Art
Dance of the Moon and Sun , 2006
30 x 40 x 0.3 in (h x w x d)
Oil on canvas
Vernon Finney Art