Womens` Walk with Petra Unger , 2021

Walk in memory of Ines Rieder
tracing the history of the lesbian-feminist movement
Womens` Walk with Petra Unger

12.Juli 2021, 5 - 7.30 h
Starting point: Burgtheater, main entrance, Universitätsring 2, 1010 Vienna

The first female director at the Burgtheater lives in a relationship with a woman.
Grete von Urbanitzky writes one of the first lesbian novels. The monument to Empress Maria Theresia must be seen in a different light with a view to lesbian history, and a painting in the collection of the Leopold Museum celebrates Smaragda Berg.

Ines Rieder, too, followed these and many other traces of lesbian history. With the greatest enthusiasm and accuracy. With passion and political commitment. This walk in the footsteps of the city’s lesbian history is dedicated to her and to the many current and vibrant sites of lesbian life and work!

Burgtheater/ Angelika Hurwicz (Andrea Breth and Elisabeth Orth)
Ballhausplatz/ Johanna Dohnal
Heldenplatz / Rosa Jochmann
Monument of Maria Theresia / Legislation against lesbians and gay men,sex workers and women
MQ - Collection Leopold/ Smaragda Berg
Viennese school Rahlgasse / Marie Jacot
STICHWORT Archiv / Archive Ines Rieder at Gusshausstr.20, 1040 Vienna
Ines Rieders´ house /Schleifmühlgasse 18
galerie michaela stock / Exhibition Ines Rieder, Schleifmühlgasse 18

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galerie michaela stock

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