Walden Pond , 2021
Group Art

1st Place Group Art


Sean and Kenneth did the leather work, (turtle and leaves) and the wire dragon flies. Boyd did the metal work to create the base and the branches. Mark did the blown glass rocks, pond grass, and the fused glass sand base under the rocks as well as the fused glass surface water. Mark also assembled the final form using glass, metal, and leather adhesives.

“Creative Forces” is the name for a group of four Veteran artists. We wanted to create a piece that reflected the beauty of American Landscape. We chose to portray a body of water, famously titled “Walden Pond”. “Walden Pond” was written by Henry David Thoreau and was about a movement promoting a better way of life. Thoreau said, “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

Though Thoreau was about the serenity of the pond, our work is meant to show the life and beauty of the pond, with the change of seasons and the movement within a slice of time.

Our group consists of two leather artists, one glass artis, and one metal artist. We began our collaboration while eating pizza two years ago. From there, we built our specific parts, before combining them into the sculpture that you see today.

We believe this piece is a celebration of rural America, our nation’s national, state and county parks, and our endeavors to save this land for future generations.

Plus de VA Puget Sound Creative Arts Festival