Monstera Maiden , 2021
Acrylic on glass


This painting overlays the profile of a female portrait over a botanical painting of a monstera plant. The female face is adorned with traditional henna designs to depict the idea of the intangible beauty of an individual. The painting is 8 inches x 10 inches.


Sarah Ladhani is a self-taught visual artist who works with a variety of mediums including acrylic and watercolour. As a full-time engineer, creating art adds a personal fluid creative balance to the precise, critical thinking utilized during her professional career. Sarah has participated in several art shows and competitions in the Ottawa area over the last 5 years ago. She primarily displays and sells her work through her small business: Just a Thought.

Most of her work is inspired by the shapes and movements experienced in nature. All of her pieces are filled with movement, texture, and emotion. Her recent ventures in painting on glass play with the elements of transparency and light refraction of the surface.
To see more samples of her work or to adopt a piece, please visit the following links:

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