Lillie and RaShaunda Allen, Mother and Daughter, Vital Signs , June 1997

"I think we've had a pretty open relationship and were able to talk to each other," says Lillie Allen of her relationship with her daughter RaShaunda. It (the film) gave us a chance to see how much work we've already done." Shaun agrees. "Doing the film strengthened our relationship. We already had a good relationship," she says, "but it helped us to get some things straight." The 14-year old 10th grader adds, "It cleared up a few things that were happening in my life at that time."

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Building Community, Save the Date, Simpsonwood Conference Center,Norcross, GA , 2011
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Lillie Allen in Women's News, 21 Leaders of 21st Century , 2008
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Mothers and Sons, Fathers and Daughters Workshop Brochure, Atlanta, GA , 2006
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