Leopard , 18th century
h = 40 in

The Oba (King) of Benin is referred to Home Leopard. If a hunter kills a leopard in Benin, he must report it to the palace . He would be asked the following question seven times: What kind of leopard did you kill? A home or a Bush Leopard? He would thus rely I kill the bush leopard. Admired for their power, agility and intelligence, the leopards became the symbols of the Oba.

Autres œuvres de Benin, Nigeria

Oba Ozolua with his Warrior Chiefs , 20th Century
h = 100 cm
Pan African Heritage Museum
Bronze plaque of an Oba , 20th Century
h = 100 cm
Pan African Heritage Museum
Oba Esigie and his Warrior Chiefs , 20th Century
h = 100 cm
Pan African Heritage Museum
Ife Head , 20th century
h = 26 in
Pan African Heritage Museum
Iyoba Ohonmi , 20th century
h = 28 in
Pan African Heritage Museum

Plus de Pan African Heritage Museum

De la serie Energías para el amor y la verdad , 2015
h = 200 cm
Mixed Technique
Pan African Heritage Museum
Un dia de caseria , 2014
h = 350 cm
Acrylic, Metal
Pan African Heritage Museum
El Colibri , 2007
h = 350 cm
Pan African Heritage Museum
Colibri , 2007
h = 350 cm
Pan African Heritage Museum
The fundamental rights of citizens
h = 350 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Pan African Heritage Museum