香港建築03 紅白藍 building hong kong 03 / redwhiteblue , 2002
119.6 x 440 x 2 cm (h x w x d)
絲網印刷塑膠織布 Print Making

M+博物館藏品 | Collection of M+ museum
又一山人於2000年開始將日常生活無處不在的紅白藍引入設計,製作別具創意的海報及立體裝置。他在物料堅韌的本質上,以解構、重組及再拼合的方式作出變奏,展現紅白藍與香港精神一脈相通的特質– 堅毅不屈、靈活變通。
In 2000, Stanley Wong, aka anothermountainman, started his project of introducing red-white-blue bags, everyday objects in the city, to his redwhiteblue series comprised of posters, sculptural objects, and installations. Appropriating the elastic and durable nature of the materials, the artist experiments with varied ways of blending the everyday materials into his artistic project, for example, through deconstructing, rearranging and reassembling the elements. The red-blue-white bags evoke the Hong Kong spirit in the sense that they represent the perseverant and agile personalities of people in the city.
Inspired by local culture, the artworks of Stanley Wong are distinctive in resonating with the sentiment of the city. The artist explains, “Red-blue-white bags are omnipresent in the city. Everyone uses it.” For example, this endurable plastic fabric is often used in construction or renovation sites to cover the floor so that it will not be stained by oil paint. The bags are decorated with written words or slogans communicating the ideas and feelings of the artist, endowing the everyday materials with the values celebrated by the artist: peace, freedom, and mindfulness of everyday life.

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34.5 x 26 cm (h x w)
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