宋太祖蹴鞠圖 Emperor Taizu play Cuju , 北宋
28.6 x 56.3 x 2 cm (h x w x d)
紙本設色 Painting

上海博物馆藏品 | Collection of Shanghai Museum
1. 前兩人踢球的是宋太祖趙匡胤與其弟宋太宗,
2. 後四人觀看的是大臣趙普、楚昭輔、党進、石守信,都是宋朝開國的功勳,他們都喜歡踢球;“明良相逢同一時,乘閑且複相娛嬉,軍中之樂諒亦宜。”

Cuju is an ancient game of football in China. Tang Weifang, an literati in the Ming Dynasty, has written a poem as an inscription for the painting. According to the poem, we can identify the characters in the picture:

1. The two people playing football at the front are Zhao Kuangyin, the Emperor Taizu (or Grand Ancestor) of the Song Dynasty, and his younger brother Taizong.
2. The four people at the back watching the game were the ministers Zhao Pu, Chu Zhaofu, Dang Jin and Shi Shouxin, all of whom were the founding fathers of the Song Dynasty. They all liked playing football. Playing football is an enjoyable pastime for the army at the time.

According to Yuezhi (or Treatise on Court Music) from Songshi (or History of the Song), all the grand banquets held by the imperial court involved football performances at the time. Also, as documented in Wulin Jiushi (or Old Stories of the Martial World), professional artists of cuju would be invited to perform in the houses of government officials, while ordinary people also enjoyed watching cuju performances from time to time.

Plus de Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)

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Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
創作及延伸活動 Art-making & Self-directed activities
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
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塑膠碎片 (PET + HDPE)、鋁鉚釘、有色聚丙烯 + 雲母粉
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106 x 86 x 1.9 cm (h x w x d)
混合媒介 Mixed Media
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