不夜城的停頓 (A Pause in the City That Never Sleeps) , 2015

藝術家 Sebastian Errazuriz在《不眠之城的停頓》視頻同時在時代廣場內大約 50 個不同的屏幕上播放,描繪了藝術家在整個視頻期間緩慢環顧四周並多次打哈欠的特寫鏡頭。緩慢的黑白圖像同時投射出打著哈欠的身影,主導並瞬間改變了時代廣場的環境。許多觀看屏幕的參觀者發現自己突然被迫加入藝術家打哈欠的行列,結果讓周圍的其他人也感染了哈欠。
時代廣場佈滿了廣告牌和廣告,有時被稱為“世界的十字路口。超過 100 個不同大小和形狀的巨型屏幕競爭著提供服務和產品的注意力。一年 365 天,每天 24 小時同時顯示的廣告是時代廣場的廣告牌和屏幕是最令人垂涎​​的和昂貴的,只有最大的商業品牌才能負擔得起。 藝術家希望視頻能夠提供一個短暫的停頓,提醒我們對時間的迫切需要,讓我們恢復更強的意識。

A Pause in the City That Never Sleeps, a work by Sebastian Errazuriz, is a sequence of close-up shots of the artist himself yawning and looking around. The moving images of the sequence are simultaneously put on the digital billboards in Times Square. The vibe of Times Square is immediately and dominantly transformed by the black and white images of the artist yawning in slow motion projected on the massive screens. Thanks to the chain effect of yawning, many of the audience find themselves cannot help but become one of those yawning passers-by on the street. Times Square is often known as the "The Crossroads of the World", as you will find a variety of billboards and advertisements on the streets - over 100 digital billboards in different sizes and shapes are competing for your attention to have a glimpse of their products or services.
In the city that never sleeps, the continuous and simultaneous display of digital billboards - 365 days a year and 24 hours a day - is the most attractive and luxurious means of advertisements, which are exclusively affordable for giant commercial brands. The artist intends to provide the audience with a temporary pause amidst their daily routine, so that they can be aware that they are desperately in need of time while being more conscious about their surroundings.

Plus de Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)

骸骨系列 (二) —— 海龜 , n.d.
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
Boombottle , 2014
h = 100 cm
混合媒介: PE塑膠、毛氈,電子零件及金屬
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
圓之四 , 2015
130 x 33 x 31 in (h x w x d)
混合媒介: (銅管·喉管·金屬廢料·微型公仔)
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
Viva La Vida , 1954
144 x 104 cm (h x w)
油彩 Oil n Masonite
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
Fruit of Life , 1953
94 x 124 cm (h x w)
油彩 Oil on Masonite
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)