八爪魚 Octopus 03
混合媒介 Mixed Media


This artwork in the form of an octopus is composed of varied iron scrap and recycled materials. To create this lifelike creature, meticulous in every detail, the artist appropriated metal parts of varying sizes and shapes to simulate different parts of an octopus.
Igor Verny is a talented artist. He has created a series of sculptures simulating small animals or insects with a unique style. Inspired by the steampunk genre, he is distinctive in blending daily experience, mechanics, sculptural techniques as well as the power of imagination in his artistic creation simulating varied kinds of animals or insects endowed with interesting characters.
Before actually working on a mechanical animal, he could use his meticulous observation skills to examine the movements and forms of the animal in real life to make sure that he is able to simulate the movements and different parts of the animal in his artwork.
Then, he could use various kinds of iron scrap and recycled materials, including parts from old cars, bicycles, mechanical watches, cutlery, or anything deemed fit for the parts of the animal.

Autres œuvres de 伊戈爾·維尼 Igor Verny

八爪魚 Octopus 02
混合媒介 Mixed Media
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
螞蟻 Ant 01
混合媒介 Mixed Media
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
螞蟻 Ant 02
混合媒介 Mixed Media
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)

Plus de Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)

80 x 180 cm (h x w)
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
創作及延伸活動 Art-making & Self-directed activities
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
Ona , 2014
48 x 46 x 40 in (h x w x d)
塑膠碎片 (PET + HDPE)、鋁鉚釘、有色聚丙烯 + 雲母粉
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Venus , 2013
106 x 86 x 1.9 cm (h x w x d)
混合媒介 Mixed Media
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)