Voices of FRI Staff/ Voix du personnel de la FRI , 2022

French to follow

I am Aleem Punja, National Operations Officer and lead for the Future Ready Initiative. It has truly been an honour and privilege to serve in this role over the past year.

The Future Ready Initiative is the Ismaili Council for Canada's flagship program, intended to provide every member of the community who desires it, access to services and programs to achieve their goals and potential.

It is the first time in our community's history where an individual can go to one place for support in the areas of mentorship, settlement services, accessing social and mental health care, and addressing their livelihoods through participation in high-calibre external programs and career coaching.

FRI brings together professional volunteers and highly qualified staff to provide holistic support to the participant who always remains in the driver's seat. FRI is about community helping community and supporting every member to achieve what they feel is best for them.

Being given an opportunity to serve as staff with FRI brings me joy, a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Imagine waking up every morning and knowing that all your efforts are going to the upliftment and advancement of others. It is truly a blessing and one of the most unique opportunities I've ever had in my career.

Today, FRI has 19 staff and over 500 volunteers working together, and we hope to build this initiative as the backbone for our community helping ensure that we remain future ready, resilient, strong, and united.
Come join me on the journey... Thank you.

Je m’appelle Aleem Punja, agent national des opérations et responsable de l'initiative Future Ready. Ce fut vraiment un honneur et un privilège d'assumer ce rôle au cours de la dernière année.

L'initiative Future Ready est le programme clé du Conseil ismaili du Canada, qui vise à fournir, à chaque membre de la communauté qui le désire, un accès aux services et aux programmes pour atteindre ses objectifs et réaliser son plein potentiel.

C'est la première fois dans l'histoire de notre communauté qu'une personne peut s'adresser à un seul endroit pour obtenir du soutien dans les domaines du mentorat, des services d'établissement, de l'accès aux soins sociaux et de santé mentale, et de l'amélioration de ses moyens de subsistance en participant à des programmes externes de haut calibre et à un encadrement professionnel.

FRI réunit des bénévoles professionnels et un personnel hautement qualifié et prêts à aider pour fournir un soutien global aux participants. FRI, c'est une entraide communautaire et un soutien à chaque participant pour l’aider à réaliser ce qu'il estime être le mieux pour lui.

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