Transition to Degradation? , 2022

Level 2 Art
My piece tells the story of transition and change in our environment through human activities. It shows how our beautiful green planet is over time becoming polluted and degraded through human activities and the waste we produce through our consumer lifestyles.
This is personal to me because I believe climate change and environmental impacts are the most important issue of our time and we need to act now to halt and reverse the negative changes we are making to our planet. This has always been close to my heart, so something I really wanted to reflect in my work.
The reason for the question mark in the title and the small sprigs of green returning on the far right hand side of the piece, is because I wanted to show that the degradation of our environment is a choice, there is a chance to reverse the damage and restore our natural environment, there is hope and that is something that is really important not to lose sight of.
Wow! Not only is this an extremely highly skilled piece from a technical point of view, but the personal and relevant concepts developed throughout this project certainly got our attention!
Your Escher inspired metamorphosis is truly an incredible achievement.
Jenny, you’ve created amazing things with this project and we can see this outcome being bought by any number of environmental companies to share the vision you’ve captured so well here. Congratulations on a wonderful project throughout and we are honoured to share your skilful work with the rest of OCAD!

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