Settlement Excellence//l'excellence de l'établissement.

The goal of this program is to heighten the awareness on the needs of newcomer families and provide opportunities and supports, including case management services, to enable the successful integration of these newcomer families in Canada.

Visit the Future Ready Initiative to learn more:


L'objectif de ce programme est de sensibiliser aux besoins des familles nouvellement arrivées et d'offrir de l’aide et du soutien, ainsi que des services de gestion de cas, pour permettre l'intégration réussie de ces familles au Canada.

Visitez le site Future Ready pour en savoir plus:

Plus de National Arts and Culture (Canada)

Honouring the Bride , 2021
Jewelry making
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A Beautiful Voice , 2021
National Arts and Culture (Canada)
Colours and Patterns , 2021
Acrylic on tile
National Arts and Culture (Canada)
Reaching to others, reaching to the past , 2021
Digital image
National Arts and Culture (Canada)
Mennonite Country , 1994
Oil on canvas
National Arts and Culture (Canada)