Photo by: World Vision /Jon Warren
June 29, 2022

Margaret Lopeot, 26, watches her 10-month-old son, Daniel, get his arm measured at the Nakorio health dispensary in Turkana, Kenya. The measurement of red and yellow shows that he is malnourished, so his mother was given life-saving ready-to-eat therapeutic food for him. Clinic nutritionist Martha Losike is currently providing 77 children with nutritional supplements once a month, supplied by World Vision. She says this current hunger crisis is worse than what she’s seen before. “We are seeing higher rates of marasmus, kwashiorkor, and anemia,” says Martha. Each condition is caused by a severe lack of nutrients. She continues, “When you don’t eat, your body utilizes what is there. If not taken care of, children die.” She blames the crisis on the drought and the war in Ukraine. Kenya depends on wheat from both Russia and Ukraine, with 35% of the country’s supply imported from the region.

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