The Plague of the first born , 2023
250 x 250 x 4 cm (h x w x d)
12000 EUR
AI, deep learning
[Giloui ]

In Hassidic Judaism, the concept of the "Pledge of the Firstborn" in Egypt refers to the redemption of the firstborn sons of the Israelites from slavery. According to the Torah, after God inflicted the tenth plague on the Egyptians, which was the killing of all their firstborns, He spared the firstborns of the Israelites by having them place the blood of a sacrificial lamb on their doorposts. This act of faith and obedience resulted in the sparing of their firstborn sons from death.
Hassidic teachings emphasize the idea that the redemption of the firstborn sons represents a spiritual transformation from the darkness of slavery to the light of freedom. This transformation is seen as a model for the Jewish people to strive for in their own lives, as they seek to free themselves from the constraints of their own spiritual limitations and shortcomings.
Furthermore, the Pledge of the Firstborn is seen as an act of profound faith and trust in God's power and protection. This act demonstrated the Israelites' unwavering commitment to God and their willingness to follow His commandments even in the face of great adversity. The redemption of the firstborn sons therefore serves as a powerful symbol of the enduring relationship between God and the Jewish people and their shared history of faith and perseverance.

Exposé par :

Philippe Bouaziz

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