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According to Hassidic tradition, the cup of Joseph that was planted in Benjamin's sack was a deliberate act of Divine Providence. It was not just a coincidence, but a planned event that was part of God's larger plan to bring the Jewish people to Egypt and eventually bring them out of slavery.
The cup of Joseph is also linked to the plagues of Egypt, specifically the final plague, which was the death of the firstborn. In Hassidic thought, the cup of Joseph represents the cup of Divine judgment, and the plagues were a manifestation of God's judgment upon the Egyptians for their wickedness and their refusal to release the Israelites from slavery.
Additionally, the cup of Joseph symbolizes the idea of Divine Providence and the fact that everything that happens in the world is part of God's plan. The placement of the cup in Benjamin's sack was not just a random event, but a deliberate act of God to bring the Israelites to Egypt and to set in motion the events that would lead to their liberation.
According to Hassidic thought, the link between the cup of Joseph and the plagues of Egypt demonstrates the concept of Divine justice and the idea that God's judgment is always fair and just. The plagues were not just a punishment for the Egyptians, but a manifestation of God's justice and His desire to see righteousness prevail in the world.
Overall, the cup of Joseph and its link to the plagues of Egypt are seen in Hassidic thought as part of God's larger plan for humanity. The cup represents Divine Providence and the idea that everything that happens in the world is part of God's plan. The plagues represent God's justice and His desire to see righteousness prevail in the world, and the ultimate liberation of the Israelites from slavery is seen as a triumph of God's will over the forces of evil.

Exposé par :

Philippe Bouaziz

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