作家留聲 Writer's Voice
h = 100 cm

Xiao Si’s story about sending her books and archives to CUHK library.

Plus de Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

Couplet, Philippe (trans.). Confucius Sinarum philosophus, sive, Scientia Sinensis Latine exposita.柏應理譯《中國聖賢孔子》 , 1687
h = 75, d = 50 cm
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
Left: Faits memorables des empereurs de la Chine, 1788; right: Zhang Juzheng, Dijian tushuo (Illustrated discussion of the emperor’s mirror, Jiaqing reign (1796-1820). 左:《帝鑑圖說》, 1788; 右:(明) 張居正《帝鑑圖說》(刻本),清嘉慶年間(1796 – 1820)
h = 60, d = 50 cm
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
Ricci, Matteo; Guangqi Xu (trans.). Jihe yuanben (Elements, 6 juan). 利瑪竇口譯,[明]徐光啟筆受,《幾何原本》(六卷) , 1849
h = 50, d = 50 cm
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
Left : Boym, Michel (trans.). Specimen medicinae sinicae, 1682; right: Jiebin, Zhang. Leijing. 32 juan. 1799. 左:卜彌格譯《中醫臨床》,1682; 右: (明)張介賓《類經》三十二卷,清嘉慶 4年(1799)。
h = 50, d = 50 cm
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
Speed, John. The Kingdome of China.約翰.史畢《中國王國》 , 1626
h = 50, d = 50 cm
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library