
The way these photos relate back to the theme of a “unique perspective” is not necessarily literal. I could say that they’re the view of the fridge door as it closes and that would technically work, but I think of it more as showing something that wouldn’t normally be seen at all, let alone as art, from that perspective. It could represent any number of things realistically, the one I had in mind was change. How even though a lot of the items are the same over the photos, you can clearly see how things were used and at what point by looking at their placement.

I dabbled in some areas of photography I wasn’t too familiar with, portraiture and still lifes. They’re both far from perfect but I think I’m more confident in my ability to take photos of those genres. Specifically, I think I’ve gotten better at lighting my shots overall by trying multiple different setups throughout both projects.

I think I would be able to take a better portrait or still life photograph from this point than I would have before this project. The research I did was mostly things I was aware of to some extent, but I have a much deeper understanding of the different genres and styles of photography now.

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