Realway station that deals electronics the real sustainable way , 2023

Most people only understand that e-waste is a result of consumerism but often do not understand how harmful and unsustainable it is to the ecosystem. Hence, I hope to raise awareness to the negative consequences in a lighthearted and when-we-do-it-right way. At the same time, highlighting the culprits behind this convenient consumerism caused by the careless companies in an absurd way. While it is important for us to stay technologically advanced, there must be a good balance between this and its sustainability. Through this illustration, I explore how the producers (first row), consumers (second row) can do to make this a circular system and the goal (last row) that we could achieve if we do it right. I hope that it conveys that the road to e-waste sustainability is not ambitious that only the big companies can do, but small conscious effort that everyone can put in to make this a circular sustainable system.

Plus de School of Art Design Media, NTU

The Art of Sustainabilty , 2023
School of Art Design Media, NTU
Clean Your Plate and Eat it too , 2023
School of Art Design Media, NTU
The Wonderful World of Coral Reef Restoration , 2023
School of Art Design Media, NTU
My Phone is Broken! , 2023
School of Art Design Media, NTU
"Holy Cow! Food Sustainability?" , 2023
School of Art Design Media, NTU