Plants are Humans , 2023
Youtube video "If this what happens to a plant, imagine what happens to a human." (READ DESCRIPTION)

Our goal on this project/experimental exhibition was tu fusion the interaction of humans, plants and AI through emotions, words and external factors
The idea that plants feel emotions in the same way as humans do is a topic of ongoing scientific debate and remains largely speculative. While plants do exhibit various responses to environmental stimuli and have complex biological processes, the nature of these responses differs significantly from human emotions.
Plants lack the central nervous system and brain structures found in animals, including humans. Emotions in humans and most animals involve complex interactions between the brain, hormones, and neurotransmitters. These emotional experiences are closely tied to cognitive processes, self-awareness, and consciousness, which have not been demonstrated in plants.
However, it is essential to recognize that plants do exhibit responses to their environment, and they can communicate in their own unique ways.
While these responses demonstrate that plants possess complex mechanisms to interact with their environment, they are not indicative of the same emotions experienced by animals or humans. Plants' behaviour is primarily driven by biochemical and physiological processes, aimed at survival and adaptation to their surroundings.
In summary, while plants exhibit remarkable adaptive responses to their environment, the idea of plants feeling emotions in the same way humans do lacks scientific evidence. The concept of emotions is intricately tied to the presence of a nervous system, which plants lack. Our understanding of plant biology and behaviour is continually evolving, and future research may shed more light on the nature of their experiences and responses.
The importance and connection between humans and plants are profound and multifaceted. Plants are essential to human life and well-being in various ways, and our relationship with them goes back to the earliest stages of human history. Here are some key aspects of the importance and connection between humans and plants
Overall, the relationship between humans and plants is inseparable. We rely on plants for our sustenance, health, and emotional well-being. Understanding and respecting this connection is crucial for ensuring a sustainable and balanced coexistence with nature.

Autres œuvres de Diego Navas & Rebeca Carrasquero

SpotifyPlaylist , 2023
Spotify Playlist that was used to influence and grow the plants.
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AI Thoughts , 2023
Google Bard AI chat tool. We already see the emotions of a plant, heard the emotions of a human and now we read the answers of an AI from the emotions of a human.
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AI + Words , 2023
AI tool which generates images from words. This reflects how a non living thing describes emotions and life.
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Human Thoughts , 2023
360 x 720 cm (h x w)
Just like plants, humans also need water and we also bloom and learn from each other. Plants can communicate with other organisms with chemical reactions, we also do it. This is how a human reacts to emotions.
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Negative Plant , 2023
One of the plants was ignored, bothered; no water, sun, emotion. Just air. Such a beautiful plant it was and it got withered because of its environment. A human can also be withered if we do not take propper care. Remember to love and share.
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