Du Halde, J.-B. Description géographique, historique, chronologique, politique, et physique de l'empire de la Chine et de la Tartarie chinoise.杜赫德《中華帝國及中華韃靼地理、歷史、編年、政治與自然環境的記述》 , 1736
h = 80 cm

Du Halde, J.-B. (Jean-Baptiste). Description géographique, historique, chronologique, politique, et physique de l'empire de la Chine et de la Tartarie chinoise. A La Haye: Chez Henri Scheurleer, 1736.
A La Haye:Chez Henri Scheurleer,1736

Du Halde’s magnum opus is one of the most influential accounts of China of the early Enlightenment in the form of a vast four-volume compendium of Jesuit missionary knowledge about China. It gives encyclopedic coverage of all aspects of Chinese civilization: the emperors and the government; the military and police institutions; agriculture and handicrafts; Chinese philosophy and religion; science and medicine; money and commerce, etc. There are also various striking images, including maps and the Great Wall. This four-volume work made Jesuit Sinological knowledge available to European audience at a hitherto unseen level of detail.


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