Charles John Tomboc Ignacio |菲律賓
100 x 56 cm (h x w)

我的自行車,我最好的朋友|My Bicycle, My Bestfriend

我的自行車,我最好的朋友。自行車不僅是一種運輸方式,它也是一種生活方式,一種可以在許多方面激發和激勵我們的生活方式。我的自行車和我在一起已經 4 年了,它是我從宿舍到上班的交通工具。騎自行車並不總是那麼容易,我們需要面對陡峭的山丘,蜿蜒的道路和不合時宜的天氣。有時,感覺就像我的自行車背叛了我,有時因為輪胎洩氣搞得我停在路中間,有時又鏈條毀損。正是在這些艱難時刻,我發現了真正的友誼。就像一個忠實的朋友那樣,我的自行車鼓勵我繼續前進,努力克服障礙,並相信我會貫穿另一端。在那些掙扎的時刻,我的自行車不只是一個物品,它成為我毅力和決心的象徵,及克服我在台灣工作時生活所帶來的挑戰。這就是為什麼我認為我的自行車是我最好的朋友,直到現在一直在我身邊。

My bicycle, my bestfriend. Bicycles are more than just a mode of transportation, it is a lifestyle, a way of life that can inspire and motivates us in many ways. My bicycle and I been together for 4 years and it’s my service transportation from my dorm going to work. Riding my bicycle isn’t always easy. We face challeges such as steep hills, winding roads and untimely weather. Sometimes, it feels like my bicycle betrayed me leaving us stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire and sometimes with a broken chain. It’s precisely during these difficult moments that I discover what a true friendship is all about. Just as a loyal friend would do, my bicycle encourages me to keep going, to push through the obstacles and to trust that I will make it through to the other side. In those moments of struggle, my bicycle becomes more than just a physical object. It becomes a symbol of my own perseverance and determination to overcome the challenges that life throws my way while I’m working here in Taiwan. That’s why I consider my bicycle as my bestfriend who is always by my side until now.

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