Painting , 2023

The final pages of my portfolio presented a selection of key pieces that I felt best demonstrate the most effective outcomes from my experimentation with different media including watercolour, oil and printing.

I decided to photograph the fish movement sequence on several different backgrounds. I found the white on black and black on white backgrounds very effective as well as the blue fish sequence layered onto my shibori stitch/dye fabric. The shibori patterns seem to suggest the effect of rippling water and create an implied refraction. I used these images as references to paint some final pieces in oil.

I painted the sequence I had sketched and planned using photographs. I took the initial oil painted composition and then used graphic software to explore various adjustments including highlighting the outline and blurring.

This chosen image displayed for the final exhibition is an oil painting titled Moving Fish

Together, my final pieces represent a culmination of the development of the key theme ‘movement and magic within the marine environment’

How Sarah has used techniques following extensive research into movement, distorted perspectives and repetition of lines, has really refined this piece in particular. Movement through water is brilliantly displayed and beautifully represented - as a viewer you really get the sense of this ‘magic’ and it’s this experience and understanding that has made this work, to us, really stand out. We are drawn into the journey of this work and the illusions with which Sarah was planning to achieve and the amount of prep and knowledge that ultimately defines the art itself is remarkable. When you can feel and experience what the artist was intending to create is a masterful skill. A really talented Fine Artist that deserves a place in the final showcase - well done Sarah.

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Autres œuvres de Sarah Turner

Conceal & Reveal , 2023

Plus de OCAD

Emerging Star Award
Level 2 Art and Design
Level 2 Art and Design
Level 3 Photography