VCD Model , 2023
80 x 100 cm (h x w)

CMBuilding is a New Zealand building company based in Auckland. The company was founded in 2012 by Lucas Mayfield and Jason Parker. Their business currently specialises in providing individuals with affordable, small, coastal homes that come kit ready. These homes are mostly timber and steel construction and take inspiration from the simplistic but practical Kiwi Beach style coastal homes.

The client has reached out to partner with a local architecture firm, TUIArchitecture which is also based in Auckland, New Zealand. The client has identified specific target audiences which have not been addressed by their current designs, and this is where TUIArchitexture comes in. BMbuilding has noticed that a large proportion of their clients that are based in coastal regions have a keen interest in surfing. They believe their homes could be further specialised by providing buyers with a POD that caters for the needs of eco-minded surfers. The client requires one set of plans to offer to their new target audience. These must uphold the brand’s current philosophy. They must feature a surfer’s version of a mudroom, that contains board storage space, a cleaning down area and a board maintenance area. These homes must also capitalise on the view of surf breaks to enable surfers to assess the day-to-day surf conditions.

The client CMbuilding requires the development of a logo and advertisement to brand and promote awareness and interest in the POD designs outlined in presentation 1. CMbuilding would like to highlight the architectural nature of the designs, therefore the Logo and name of the project will be called KIWIPODS.

Plus de Ken Field Virtual Gallery of Art

'The Episode 2' Panel 2 of 'The Episode Diptych' , 2013
114 x 178 cm (h x w)
Chinagraph and pastel
Ken Field Virtual Gallery of Art
Ecstasis , 2010
185 x 130 cm (h x w)
Chinagraph and pastel
Ken Field Virtual Gallery of Art
'Femme 2' , 2015
163 x 102 cm (h x w)
Chinagraph and pastel
Ken Field Virtual Gallery of Art
'Drawing O' Version 1 , 1999
112 x 112 cm (h x w)
Chinagraph and pastel
Ken Field Virtual Gallery of Art
Bellair Portrait , 2011
76 x 55 cm (h x w)
Chinagraph and pastel
Ken Field Virtual Gallery of Art