AntartikaColonie2050 , 2023
154 x 204 x 4 cm (h x w x d)
100000 USD
Solar panels 3D engraved gold wires

In the frozen expanses of the Antarctica colony, I stand clad in a suit that's a marvel of our age, designed not just for war but for survival. This is no ordinary uniform—it's a smart tech soldier's garment, engineered to thrive in the harshest of climates. As I suit up, my thoughts drift to my mother's words, urging me to stay in Africa, our ancestral home. But the adventurer in me was drawn to the unknown, to the land where ice turns to forest.
My suit, inspired by the grandeur of kings and the solemnity of ancient ceremonies, is a tapestry of white and gold. It shines brightly against the snow, a symbol of opulence amidst the desolation. The headpiece, a masterpiece in itself, is adorned with golden designs that speak of a noble lineage, mirroring the crowns of old yet infused with technology that shields my mind from the biting cold.
The coat that drapes over my frame is more than a coat—it's a barrier against the frost, with wide sleeves and golden touches that trace the edges of the fabric. The gold isn't just for show; it's part of the suit's smart system, regulating heat and protecting me from the elements. Underneath, a garment fitted with a V-neck is not just for looks—it's armored attire that shields as much as it impresses, its golden embroidery a sign of the rank I hold among the Ice Bears, the elite warriors of this icy realm.
Even my boots are a testament to our technological prowess. Strapped with gold and built with layers of insulating materials, they are as much a part of my arsenal as any weapon. They carry me across the new terrain, a blend of the ancient warrior spirit and the cutting edge of survival gear.
Here, in the white wilderness, I am a beacon of humanity's endurance, a soldier equipped for the future, carrying the warmth and wisdom of Africa within, and wrapped in the might of the Ice Bears of Antarctica. We stand as the strongest warriors, not just on this planet, but as a force to be reckoned with against the colonists of the Moon or Mars. My suit is my armor, my heritage, and my edge in a world of endless discovery.

Exposé par :

Philippe Bouaziz

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