Sarah Abraam wife , 2023
154 x 204 x 4 cm (h x w x d)
26000 USD
Solar panels 3D engraved gold wires

The Bible recounts the tale of Abraham and his wife Sarah. It was in Egypt that Abraham first saw the beauty of his wife when Pharaoh took her as his wife. In a clever maneuver, Abraham instructed Sarah to tell Pharaoh that she was his sister, fearing for his own life. Sarah's beauty was often described as fair, complemented by her striking blue eyes, as elucidated in Midrashic literature. What makes this noteworthy is that in the Middle Eastern context, having fair skin was considered unusual, even exotic, especially for someone of such prominence as Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt.

The clothing they wore was symbolic, fashioned to resemble the regal phoenix made of gold and adorned with blue lapis lazuli stones, a precious gem associated with protection in ancient Egypt. These garments were crafted from recycled wires and chips, signifying a bridge between ancient traditions and futuristic technology. The style they wore bore a resemblance to what one might see in science fiction movies, even though, in reality, these garments closely resembled the attire of ancient Egyptians during the time of Abraham and Sarah.

The ancient civilization of Egypt appears to have possessed knowledge and advancements that continue to challenge our modern scientific community. This serves as a captivating testament to the intricate interplay of history, culture, and the ever-evolving journey of human civilization.

Exposé par :

Philippe Bouaziz

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