Hello Xiaoping , 1984
51 x 56 cm (h x w)
銀鹽照片 (水墨、纖維紙創作) Silver halide printing (ink & paper)

The photograph captured by Wang Dong(王东), titled "Hello Xiaoping"(小平您好), caused a nationwide stir when it was unveiled to the public. The term originated from the slogan of Peking University students during the grand parade commemorating the 35th anniversary of the National Day of the People's Republic of China. In 1984, during the nationwide celebration of the 35th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, where Peking University students daringly sneaked banners into the venue and proudly displayed the banner "Hello Xiaoping " as they paraded to Tiananmen Square. This powerful photograph quickly spread worldwide, solidifying its place as a treasured memory in the history of the Republic. The significant era marked a pivotal turning point in China's history as it embarked on a path of unprecedented reform and opening up, often referred to as the second revolution. In the four decades since, China has made tremendous strides in its development, profoundly enhancing the lives of its citizens, elevating the nation from scarcity to abundance and from destitution to reasonable prosperity. The "Hello Xiaoping" photograph has been widely circulated over the years and has been featured prominently in various publications, including a remarkable seven times in the esteemed People's Daily. The enduring impact of this photograph is a testament to the enduring legacy of the reform and opening up that Deng Xiaoping spearheaded.

Plus de Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)

獅山夕照 , 1977
86 x 147 cm (h x w)
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
80 x 180 cm (h x w)
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
創作及延伸活動 Art-making & Self-directed activities
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
Ona , 2014
48 x 46 x 40 in (h x w x d)
塑膠碎片 (PET + HDPE)、鋁鉚釘、有色聚丙烯 + 雲母粉
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)