Katherine Bryson Mothers for Dignity and Justice , 1969

The article in full states "Mrs. Katherine Bryson, president of Mothers for Dignity and Justice, a group of welfare mothers, Friday, told how she and Mrs. Pat Auch were arrested at Hotel Savery Thursday night during a welfare banquet. Mrs. Bryson, 28, said she was among a group of welfare mothers and others who had gone to the banquet of the Iowa Welfare Association to ask association members for contributions. Mrs. Bryson, Mrs. Auch, 30, and Charles Knox, 25, a Black Panther leader, were arrested after police arrived at banquet. At right is Mrs. Barbara Simmons, The Des Moines women gathered at Lutheran Social Service of Iowa office at 3116 University Ave., to explain their actions at banquet."
Below this article is one by Jerry Szumski and Stephen Seplow: "Deplore Waiter's Role in Fracas at Welfare Dinner". It states: "An unidentified waiter may have set off the Thursday night fracas between Des Moines police and a groups of welfare demonstrators at a Hotel Savery convention dinner of the Iowa Welfare Association. ... The witnesses said the waiter "wrestled" away a microphone from the dmonstrators' spokesman, Mrs. Katherine Bryson, 28, a welfare receipient who heads a group called Mothers for Dignity and Justice... "The waiter antagonized her, no question about it," said Haritage" [I.W. A. President James Heritage] ... Mrs. Bryson and two others were handcuffed and arrested. They were freed pending a Nov. 13 hearing....Two of those arrested....were sprayed with a chemical deterrent called "MACE."... Mrs. Bryson and Mrs. Auch complained of treatment at the police station. Mrs. Bryson said one officer called her a 'nut,' and another, who said he had been scratched by her, said, 'I better go wash the scurvy off of me.' Mrs. Auch said that when she arrived at the police station from Broadlawns, one officer called her ' n***-lover.'"

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