Looking Beyond the Veil
24 x 8 x 6 in (h x w x d)
2000 USD
Stoneware clay, underglaze and underglaze pen, oil paint
for sale

My work has always centered around the figure in regards to identity, social justice, healing, expression and being centered. My creative choices are usually clay or pencil drawings. Each medium lends itself to expression be it defiance, pain, pride or innocence. What is important is that each piece lends itself to exploring the human condition as an African American; unabashedly Black.

I love the medium of clay because of its tactile nature and seductive qualities. There is something about the medium that invites you to study it. My graphite drawings have been described as well drafted. I choose to see them as bottled emotion hidden behind a facade of stoicism. We often wear masks to bely the emotions beneath.

Plus de Touchstone Gallery, since 1976

Value Studies: Uniforms
72 x 48 x 30 in (h x w x d)
Embroidered piña cloth, white sand, sugar, pearls, & teeth
Touchstone Gallery, since 1976
As Was Done To Her
21 x 16 x 19 in (h x w x d)
Pit-fired ceramic sculpture
Touchstone Gallery, since 1976
22.5 x 18.5 x 5.3 in (h x w x d)
Cast aluminum
Touchstone Gallery, since 1976
Self Portrait: 19 years and 112 days, 2,335 Autosoft 90 Infusion Sets and counting
120 x 36 x 12 in (h x w x d)
Autosoft 90 Infusion Set plastic molds
Touchstone Gallery, since 1976
Turned On
72 x 30 x 9 in (h x w x d)
Mixed media sculpture with lights and switch
Touchstone Gallery, since 1976