Untitled , 2024

After a recent death of a close person to me, I have been thinking about the silence of the people about their problems. Not opening up about our pain and heartbreaks to the people we love always leads to depression. The problem spreads and enlarges through our thoughts and becomes worse each time we decide to stay mute. Once you start being honest about your feelings and become more direct you realise how simple it is to stop overthinking. In this fast paced world we still need to find time to listen, speak and communicate to each other. Silence will always turn into a disturbing noise.

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AI + Words , 2023
AI tool which generates images from words. This reflects how a non living thing describes emotions and life.
What I Always Wanted To Say
Human Thoughts , 2023
360 x 720 cm (h x w)
Just like plants, humans also need water and we also bloom and learn from each other. Plants can communicate with other organisms with chemical reactions, we also do it. This is how a human reacts to emotions.
What I Always Wanted To Say
Negative Plant , 2023
One of the plants was ignored, bothered; no water, sun, emotion. Just air. Such a beautiful plant it was and it got withered because of its environment. A human can also be withered if we do not take propper care. Remember to love and share.
What I Always Wanted To Say
Music for plants , 2023
45 x 36 cm (h x w)
We played music to the positive plant, giving the best positive energy as possible. Although it is not scientifically proven that calming or positive music affect a plant, we do beleive it. Everyone beleive what they wish to beleive as long as its true.
What I Always Wanted To Say
Positive Experiment , 2023
Positive plant received good treatment like peanuts shells that enriches the soil and a potassium to enrich the stems.
What I Always Wanted To Say