The Red of Our Souls , 2020

United Kingdom

Embroidery On Female Underwear & Periodic Blood

“Menstruation: “ the process in a woman of discharging blood and other material from the lining of the uterus at intervals of about one lunar month from puberty until the menopause, except during pregnancy.” It is also known that during her life, a woman would experience blood loss and will stain her underwear an important number of times. Maybe the stain is, in a way, the red mark of our thoughts and souls.
For this project, Marcy Petit has asked women from any nationality and any age to give her their stained underwear and to share with her a strong emotion felt during their last period in one word or one short sentence.
With a needle and red thread, the artist embroideries the soul of these women to their own blood and to their own identities.

Marcy Petit was born in Le Mans (France) in 1990.
After high school, she gained an MA in Management of Contemporary Art at Leeds and Paris 8 universities after completed a BA and a MA in Visual Arts at Rennes university. She is currently living and working in London (U.K).
As a young mixed-media artist, her works, inspirations and interests are extremely eclectic. Her multidisciplinary practice is consisted of videos, photographs, performances, sound recordings, installations ... Any medium can be considered and engaged in her work.
She made an important research about relational art, e.g. main topic of her final thesis. Today, she continues to explore this notion within the conception of several new artworks. The devices she uses seek to give voice to the “normal” or “seemingly ordinary” people.
Her work has also undoubtedly been inspired by her upspring since the artist was raised up by her grandparents. From that time, she developed a fascination for the old people, old stories, and old stuffs.
Thanks to one of her teachers, Bertrand Clavez, she also first developed a practice oriented to the “performing action”. This artistic medium represents an important part of her artistic work by using her own body as a medium in her work and performances.
More and more, the artworks of Marcy Petit seek to talk mainly about the representation of the feminine body in our society and feminist concerns and issues. She has therefore generated a series of works making a stance that is feminine, feminist, sometimes ironic and politic.
The observation and reflection of landscapes and territories are also two important notions in her work since an artistic residency in Spain. From that experience, she is currently working on a set of new projects around the representation of natural environments and landscapes.
When she was not working on her personal projects, Marcy Petit has also worked in the cultural industry as assistant of production and communication. She has therefore worked at the French Institute of Tokyo and at the Visual Department of the City of Lille.
Marcy Petit has exhibited her works internationally and has been selected as a resident to the Zaratan AIR Program in 2021 to develop a new project.As far as I can remember, I have always been good at telling stories, creating new worlds, drawing stuffs, make objects ... Good and passionate about this.
After middle school, I decided to go to a specific High-school where I could learn Fine Art. This experience opened me the only door available for me. There was no other option for me, I will work in the artistic industry.
During my studies and even when I started working, I have never stopped to create, to have ideas and to develop them when I could.
I also really like poesy, writing and theatre. That is probably the reason why I often come up with a narrative conception and a lyrism in my projects. Using mediums and design a space to set up a story is a predominant conception of my own work.
I constantly want to try new things, to develop new technics and ideas, whatever the materiel, gears, medium I will need. If I just have a new idea, I want to do it.

Exposé par :

Martina Maya-Callen

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